Hijri Gregorian Date Converter

The date conversion tool from Hijri to Gregorian is used to enter the date according to the Hijri calendar and then display what corresponds to it according to the Gregorian calendar in five different formats.

Gregorian date
Hijri Date
Hijri Date
Today Hijri Date Numeric
Today is
Gregorian date
Today Gregorian Date Numeric

Convert date from Hijri to Gregorian

The need to convert any Hijri date to the Gregorian date is increasing, due to the spread of the use of the Gregorian calendar in all countries of the world, and in order to obtain a unified date for various transactions, this may require performing the date conversion process quickly, and this can be done by converting the date from the Hijri calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Gregorian online and easily through the date conversion tool from the Today’s Date website.

Convert date from Gregorian to Hijri

The importance of converting the date from Hijri to Gregorian lies in the various uses in which the Gregorian date is included, including: converting the date of obtaining academic certificates, converting the Hijri date to Gregorian when traveling to several countries, and many others, where the following mathematical equation is used; Gregorian to Hijri, Gregorian year = (Hijri year x 0.97) + 622 to convert manually, but using the online date conversion tool from Gregorian to Hijri gives the accurate answer in a few seconds without the need to perform any calculations.