Academic calendar 1445 – 2024

The academic calendar for the year 1445 - 2024 is detailed according to the Hijri and Gregorian calendar, specifying the dates of the vacation and the start dates of study for each semester, with an explanation of the official and national holidays in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Academic calendar 1445 – 1446

Beginning of study for students for the first semester Hijri date: 02/04/1445

Gregorian date: 08/20/2023

National Day Holiday Hijri date: 03-08-1445

Gregorian date: 09/23/2024

The beginning of studies for students for the second semester, Hijri date: 05/12/1445

Gregorian date: 11/26/2023

The start of studies for students for the third semester, Hijri date: 08/22/1445

Gregorian date: 03/03/2024

Saudi academic calendar

The Saudi Ministry of Education issues an academic calendar at the beginning of each academic year, to make it easier for students and educational staff to know study dates and vacations in detail, as the Ministry divided the 180-day academic year into three semesters, including different semester and official vacations.

School holiday dates in Saudi Arabia

 The Saudi Ministry of Education divided the academic year into three semesters, each semester containing officially scheduled holidays, which are announced at the beginning of each year, and can be known through a counter that was created to accurately find out the date of official holidays in the Hijri and Gregorian calendar online.